Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol and Natural Healing

olive-oil-in-a-bottle-1380964038XWRPhoto by George Hodan

I am writing this article because there is so much that is confusing about what people hear about fat, cholesterol and health. The processed food industry has done its best to make it confusing since fat is a cheaper food ingredient that increases shelf life. The first place to start to make things more clear is to understand that fat is made up of fatty acids. Fatty acids are the building blocks of fat just as amino acids are the building blocks of protein. I know this sounds very confusing because some of us may have read about essential fatty acids that are healthy for us. Some of us may even know that essential fatty acids help the body to break down fat and cholesterol. Essential fatty acids then that are found in fish oil, flax seed oil and avocados help to heal and keep a person healthy. Although the human body is capable of producing its own fats some fatty acids that a person needs can only be obtained from foods in the diet which is why they are known as essential. Some fats, especially essential fatty acids, are necessary for the digestive system, for healthy cell membranes, hormones and for a healthy nervous system.

It is impossible to write about fat and cholesterol as separate subjects because of how closely these nutrients are related. It is important to understand that fat is a necessary nutrient. Lots of fat in the diet of infants until the age of two is important for proper growth and brain development. After this age the percentage of fat intake compared with the overall caloric intake in a person’s daily diet should be much less. Fat has the highest concentration of calories of any nutrient, far more than carbohydrates or protein. Excess carbohydrates are stored in the liver. Far more excess of carbohydrates in the diet will result in the body storing the excess calories by converting them to body fat.

The liver converts saturated fat into cholesterol. Cholesterol is a component of cell membranes and is necessary for the transport of fatty acids. The vehicles for transporting cholesterol are known as lipoproteins. This word is derived from lipids which are nutrients that are soluble with the same solvents as fat. Cholesterol is necessary to protect the brain cells from toxins while allowing the flow of messages from the brain to the rest of the body. Does this help to explain then why essential fatty acids are necessary for proper brain function?

This is where it starts to get complicated. Many people have heard that there is a good cholesterol and a bad cholesterol. Unfortunately with the way people are given infomercial articles and hearsay this may cause confusion between essential fatty acids and “good cholesterol”. These are not the same thing but are related and I will explain why. Cholesterol that is transported by high density lipoproteins known as HDLs is considered to be the good cholesterol and the cholesterol that is transported by low density lipoproteins known as LDLs is considered to be the bad cholesterol. Excessive fat consumption and excess bad cholesterol lead to a build up of a layer of fat and plaque along the inner linings of the veins and arteries. This eventually can lead to arteriosclerosis, also known as hardening of the arteries. The bad cholesterol can eventually cause the lining of the cells to harden and tear leading to internal bleeding and blood clotting. The restriction of the flow of blood due to the lining of plaque in the blood vessels and the high serum cholesterol level in the blood will lead to high blood pressure. This means the heart has to work harder to deliver blood to the body. The good cholesterol aids in helping the blood to flow and in keeping the blood vessels clear. This aids in removing fat build ups and removing toxins from the body. This is because HDLs remove the excess cholesterol that is unneeded from the cells returning it to the liver to be broken down and removed from the body.

If fat is made up of fatty acids how then do essential fatty acids help the body to be healthy? To explain this I have to explain that there are three categories of fat. There is saturated fat, monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. Most people know that saturated fat is bad for a person but many mistakenly think that polyunsaturated fat is the healthiest kind of fat since those who understand something of scientific terminology know that mono means one and poly means many. This may cause people to think that polyunsaturated then would be less saturated. This may be true but I will explain why we need all three kinds of fat in our diet every day and why monounsaturated is the healthiest kind of fat that we need the most of.

Saturated means saturated with hydrogen molecules. The more saturated with hydrogen molecules the fat is the more difficult it is for the body to break down. As well it is the saturated fat that the liver processes into cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats destroy cholesterol, both the bad cholesterol and the good cholesterol. The body needs the good cholesterol for proper brain function and healthy blood vessels. Monounsaturated fats destroy the bad cholesterol but leave the good cholesterol.

Trans fats are the result of a process by which processed food companies artificially add hydrogen molecules to vegetable oils. Why would food companies add hydrogen molecules to oils in their food products? One major reason is longer shelf life since good oils break down with heat and time. The more saturated with hydrogen the oil is the longer the shelf life. Processed food companies in fact originally created margarine with hydrogenated oils as a supposedly “healthy” substitute for butter which contains natural fat. Adding hydrogen molecules to oil can make the oil solid at room temperature. This is why it is better to use vegetable oil that is high in monounsaturated fat than to use oil that is high in saturated fat or to use vegetable shortening.

What makes things even more confusing is that although monounsaturated fat is the healthiest kind of fat if it has been hydrogenated it will increase the bad cholesterol and decrease the good cholesterol. Originally I was warning people about hydrogenated oils before the term, trans fat, was created. Subsequently processed food manufacturers started putting messages on the labels of their food saying, “contains no hydrogenated oil”. Now food companies put on their labels “contains no trans fats” or includes in their nutritional information section “0% Trans Fat”.

Since fat has the highest amount of calories of any nutrient it is recommended not to exceed 20% fat in overall caloric intake during the day for adults.


Fibromyalgia and Natural Healing

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Fibromyalgia is an illness that is multi-causal and has multiple symptoms. It is difficult to diagnose and is often misdiagnosed. It has much in common with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In the past fibromyalgia was mistakenly named fibrositis or fibromyositis.

Although there are many symptoms its main, differentiating characteristic is extreme pain throughout the body. Technically it is thought that the pain is from a tightening and thickening of the myofascia. This is a thin tissue that holds the muscles together. However it is acknowledged that fibromyalgia sufferers are known to have excess amounts of the neurotransmitter, Substance P. Substance P is released by the body as a response to physical injury and may cause the brain to have an increased perception of pain. Sufferers tend to have decreased levels of serotonin which is a natural painkiller produced by the pineal gland in the brain during sleep. Fibromyalgia sufferers tend to have sleeping disorders in which they wake up during stage four sleep. This stage of sleep is necessary for repairing muscle tissue and for the production of human growth hormone.

This disorder has only been recognized since 1987. Fibromyalgia is more common in women than men. Each sufferer has to be treated on a case by case basis because there may be multiple causes. Viral or bacterial infection may be a cause. Physical injury may trigger this illness. Toxins may be a factor such as mercury amalgam dental fillings. An unhealthy digestive system could be a significant factor since this would cause malabsorption making it difficult for the body to absorb and use nutrients.

People who suffer from fibromyalgia suffer with other disorders such as chronic headaches and allergies. The immune system is affected. The illness can be debilitating and cause depression. Not only have people been misdiagnosed but doctors have accused sufferers of having a psychosomatic illness. In the past there was a misconception in the medical industry that fibromyalgia was due to laziness and lack of activity. In fact many were very active, productive and even over achievers before they were afflicted.

Those afflicted with fibromyalgia have hormonal imbalances. They have higher than normal levels of cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are located on the kidneys. Meat protein puts stress on the kidneys. Those with fibromyalgia have shown improvement by switching to a vegetarian diet.

Detoxifying is important to curing fibromyalgia. Rotating food in the diet helps to avoid food allergies.   Nutritional deficiencies may be a factor. Those suffering from fibromyalgia may be very sensitive to chemicals and should switch to organic, natural foods and use non-toxic products in the household.

Fibromyalgia sufferers should drink fluids to cleanse the body of toxins. They should drink distilled water and organic, herb teas. Drinking vegetable juices supplies necessary vitamins and minerals. Sufferers should eat four to five meals a day to get the necessary protein and complex carbohydrates needed to repair muscle tissue. Patients should get some exercise each day to keep the muscles and joints flexible such as a walk and mild stretching exercises. Massage is helpful in breaking up deposits in the muscles and increasing circulation.

Candida infection in the intestines may be a causal factor. Pao d’Arco herb tea fights candida infection. It is a powerful herb in fighting chronic disorders by strengthening the immune system.

Herbs that support the glandular system will help restore the proper hormonal balance in the body. Problems with the thyroid gland can be a factor. Herbs that help are alfalfa, comfrey, dandelion, kelp, horsetail, hops, passion flower, skullcap, white willow bark and valerian root.

Foods that are helpful include raw fruit, vegetables, beans and whole grains such as millet, buckwheat, brown rice and whole oats. Rye is a grain that strengthens muscles. Magnesium relaxes muscles and can be found in bananas, almonds, pecans and cashews. Chronic pain sufferers are often deficient in magnesium. Red raspberry leaf tea contains nutrients that are especially helpful for women’s health issues related to fibromyalgia although this tea is beneficial for men as well. Cold water, ocean going fish in the diet can be very helpful. Avoid dairy and other foods that are high in saturated fat. Flaxseed oil protects against cell damage and reduces pain and fatigue.

Cayenne pepper in the diet improves circulation, relieves pain and reduces amounts of Substance P, one of the primary causes of fibromyalgia. Applying a combination of cayenne powder and wintergreen oil to the skin relieves muscle pain. Use one part cayenne with three parts wintergreen oil. Four to six ounces of ginger powder in a bath will help to detoxify. Drinking ginger tea has the same effect. Organic mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms supply selenium. Fibromyalgia sufferers are deficient in selenium. Mushrooms, also, supply zinc which is necessary for tissue repair. Beware of supplements as some are not very useable to the body and too much of a nutrient especially minerals may be harmful.

Do not eat too much green peppers, eggplant, tomatoes and white potatoes. They contain solanine. Solanine interferes with enzymes in the muscles. Avoid processed sugars such as fructose and avoid honey. These sugars promote fatigue, pain and sleep loss. Avoid caffeine.

It is good to clean the colon (large intestine). A good herb tea formula for cleansing the colon consists of cascara sagrada, barberry, raspberry leaves, lobelia, ginger, rhubarb, golden seal root, fennel, capsicum. An easier formula is cascara sagrada and aloe vera. Using probiotics such as kombucha and acidophilus helps to restore the proper balance of bacteria in the intestines. Black walnut and garlic help to remove parasites. Herb teas that relieve stress are recommended such as chamomile and kava. I personally feel that St. John’s Wort relaxes me the best. Relieving stress is very important to the healing process.

Interestingly in my researching herbs that may be helpful to sufferers of fibromyalgia my book of herbal remedies just happened to fall open to the page about saffron. Most people know saffron as a delicious herb for making rice and soup. Recently I have been learning of its many health benefits. It can even be used in herb tea. Saffron is good for circulation and the digestive system. Saffron provides more oxygen to the veins and heart. It is a vegetable source of vitamin B12 which is necessary for healthy cell growth. It contains calcium, potassium, phosphorous and vitamin A.


For products that support the glands try: Smallflower

For Pau d’Arco








Building the Immune System Naturally

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Photo from: http://www.cellimagelibrary.org

A friend of mine I met on the Internet has polycystic kidney disease and I promised I would write more to try and help her.

See the original post: Polycystic Kidney Disease and Natural Healing

In fact I know that the body’s immune system can fight and destroy cysts from my own personal experience. I told her to not give up hope.

As I have mentioned before the famous naturopathic doctor, Dr. Gary Null, on public broadcasting radio has said over and over again that if you give the body half a chance to heal itself it will heal itself.

It goes without saying that everything I have written so far about getting the nutrients from natural foods for healthy cell growth applies. These include all of the nutrients the body needs but I emphasize certain ones because people often suffer from deficiencies of these important cell growth nutrients. These include folic acid (also, known as folate), vitamin B12 and COQ10 enzyme. Of course there are other important nutrients such as vitamin B6 and vitamin E. These two vitamins are plentiful in whole grains. Never underestimate the healing power of brown rice. This grain will not only provide important nutrients including protein, iron and some calcium but it provides fiber to keep the digestive system working properly for the body to be able to assimilate and use nutrients. People can get nutrients such as vitamin B12 in their diet but their bodies may not be able to absorb and use them because of malabsorption.

Pau d’Arco herb tea is very powerful in fighting some of the worst diseases. Doctors in Brazil have been using the herb to treat cancer patients and AIDS patients since the seventies. Efforts to use an active ingredient have been unfruitful because there may be other agents in the herb that work synergistically with the isolated active ingredient.

Healing mushrooms that have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine can help the body to destroy tumors and cysts. This includes cordyseps synensis. Cordyseps synensis has been proven to have kidney healing effects. This mushroom can be found in powdered form in natural food stores and is easily absorbed into a hot, herb tea. Reishi mushrooms enable the cells of the body to produce the chemotherapy chemical, interferon. Reishi mushrooms produce substances that destroy infection without producing them at levels that would be harmful to the body. Reishi mushrooms are a little more difficult to prepare for a tea if used directly from the mushroom itself but it is more potent this way. Shiitake mushrooms and maitake mushrooms are culinary mushrooms that can be prepared with meals. The combination of these mushrooms used together is even more potent in making the immune system powerful enough to fight infections from without or within the body such as with cysts.

Flax seed oil is anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-carcinogenic and anti-bacterial. This oil needs to be kept refrigerated to preserve its potency. It is easy to use. Simply add one tablespoon to food before eating. This includes soups and salad dressings.

Keeping warm helps the body to produce white blood cells to fight tumors, cysts and all infections of the body. In fact it is the human body itself that causes a person to have a fever in order to help the body to produce more white blood cells.

All of these are tips to help a person fight off viral and bacterial illnesses, cancer, tumors and cysts.

If you are interest in Pau d’Arco Herb Tea: Click Here!

Polycystic Kidney Disease and Natural Healing


Photo from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

A friend I have made on the Internet has found that her mother was just diagnosed with this disease.  Since they are in the UK the National Health Service is making her mother wait two weeks until they “decide what to do”.  I have done this research to try to help.  This could be an ongoing story for awhile.


Polycystic Kidney Disease, also known as PKD, is an illness characterized by cysts growing on the kidneys. This disease is known to have heredity as a causal factor. With PKD the kidneys lose their ability to function.

I actually cured myself of a pilonidal cyst without surgery. Pilonidal cysts have a hereditary factor to them as well. When I first got one the doctor told me that I had a congenital tendency to get them. That first time I had it surgically removed. This is a draining cyst that excretes blood and water. If left untreated it will eventually grow cancerous. He told me that I could get another one later in life and if I did it would probably grow back in the same general area.   He was mainly right except that it grew on the other side of my body in my abdominal area on my belt line. This made it very uncomfortable.

When I realized I had another pilonidal cyst I reasoned that since it is something that could turn into a tumor and become cancerous that my body’s immune system would see it as an infection and try to fight it. Since I knew about the power of shiitake mushrooms to boost the immune system I decided to use them. Shiitake mushrooms are culinary mushrooms that are delicious in cooking but are not tasty or easily digestible eaten raw. Shiitake is the Japanese name. In Chinese restaurants they are on the menu as black mushrooms. I had Shiitake mushrooms in my meals four to five times a week for an entire month. The cyst went away. I continued to have shiitake mushrooms three to five times a week in my meals for the next month and the cyst never came back. Since polycystic kidney disease means that there are many cysts in the kidneys surgery would be out of the question except for a kidney transplant. The cysts could however come back. I recommend trying the shiitake mushrooms as well as eating other foods that boost the immune system such as garlic, salmon and tuna. Flax seed oil is very helpful because it is anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. It is the shiitake mushrooms however that I have to stress if someone really wants to boost the immune system. The fish is important for the vitamin B12. The iodine in the fish is important to help the thyroid gland to produce the hormones for proper metabolism.

Meanwhile in order to improve kidney function there is much that can be done with the right nutrition. Do not use salt because the inability of the kidneys to pass salt will cause fluid build up. Avoid processed sugar. Reduce or avoid animal protein. Animal protein will cause stress to the kidneys. Shiitake mushrooms contain all of the essential amino acids a person needs in their diet which is better for a person in this condition than animal protein. Vegetable sources of protein such as beans, legumes and whole grains are fine. Avoid beet greens, chocolate, eggs, rhubarb, spinach, Swiss chard and caffeinated tea. Avoid dairy products except cultured dairy products such as low-fat yogurt, buttermilk and cottage cheese.

Celery and parsley seeds will improve kidney function and reduce levels of uric acid in the blood. Natural, unsweetened cranberry juice will reduce bacterial build up and heal the bladder. Dandelion root will help the kidneys to excrete waste material. Herbs that help include goldenrod tea, juniper berries, parsley, marshmallow root, nettle, red clover and watermelon seed tea.

It is good to have a diet of mainly raw foods. Include asparagus, bananas, celery, cucumbers, garlic, papaya, potatoes and watercress. Legumes, seeds and soybeans contain the amino acid, arginine, which is good for the kidneys.


For an organic, herbal, kidney formula extract try: http://tinyurl.com/kidneyformula

Iron, Anemia and Vegetarianism

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Probably the biggest concern people have about trying vegetarian meals in their diet, after being concerned about getting enough protein, is concern about getting enough iron. Women are especially concerned about getting enough iron. I met a young lady once who told me she had tried to be a vegetarian and ate lots of dark, green leafy vegetables but she became anemic. She then went back to eating meat. In fact dark, green leafy vegetables, although a good source of iron, have been highly overrated when it comes to the amount of iron they have. Although I would never recommend to people not to eat meat at all the fact is that the average American gets twice the amount of protein that they need in a day which is very bad for their health. There are, also, many concerns about the quality of meat that is sold. There are concerns about toxins, excess fat and cruelty to animals. Certainly eating less meat and only buying meat of better quality that is healthier is a good idea. Also, I am concerned for those people who really are on an all vegetarian diet. In fact however the usability of the iron in a person’s diet has to do with other nutrients that the body needs to be able to use the iron. With the right knowledge there is no reason why a person who is a strict vegetarian should suffer from iron deficiency.

Iron serves many functions in the body but one of the most important is in having healthy hemoglobin in the red blood cells for the blood to carry oxygen. Iron is necessary for producing enzymes and is necessary for growth. Iron is necessary for a healthy immune system and energy production.

Anemia is a condition in which there is either an insufficient amount of red blood cells or an insufficient amount of hemoglobin in the red blood cells.   In either case this causes a lack of the proper amount of oxygen being delivered to the cells of the body for the cells to carry out their necessary functions. The deficiency of oxygen to the cells of the body can result in fatigue, impairment of muscular activity, and impairment of cell growth and repair. An inadequate supply of oxygen to the brain can result in dizziness and mental impairment.

Anemia is not an illness but a symptom of an illness. Anemia can be caused by other factors than iron deficiency. Anemia can be caused by thyroid disorders, hormonal disorders, liver damage or bone marrow disease. Anemia may be the first sign of arthritis, infection or a major illness such as cancer. Women may suffer from iron-deficiency caused anemia due to heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding. Intrauterine devices for contraception can cause excess bleeding. Overuse of aspirin or ibuprofen can cause blood loss in the digestive tract. First signs of anemia may include loss of appetite, constipation, headaches, irritability and loss of concentration. In advanced stages there can be depression, pallor, pale and brittle nails, and soreness in the mouth.

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To avoid iron deficiency a person has to have the support of other nutrients in order for the body to be able to utilize the iron. These include vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid. Being deficient with any of these nutrients can cause anemia.

Vitamin B6 is a part of more functions of the body than any nutrient and is essential for healthy red blood cells. Fortunately nature is so wonderful in that vitamin B6 is in most foods. Vitamin B6 is more plentiful in brewer’s yeast, carrots, peas, spinach, sunflower seeds, walnuts and whole grains such as brown rice. For herbs vitamin B6 is plentiful in alfalfa and oat straw. Too high of dosages of vitamin B6 supplements can be very harmful to a person’s health.

Vitamin B12 is absolutely necessary for proper cell growth as well. It is necessary to help folic acid in the formation of red blood cells and for the utilization of iron. However in a strict vegetarian diet many plant based foods do not have vitamin B12. The body can store vitamin B12 so a person may not feel the effects of the deficiency for years. Vitamin B12 can be found in brewer’s yeast, sea weed such as dulse, kelp, nori and kombu, and in soy beans and cultured soy bean products such as tofu and miso. For herbs it is in alfalfa and hops. Certain medications and potassium supplements may block the absorption of vitamin B12. The most common form of vitamin B12 supplements which is cyanocobalamin is very ineffective and potentially harmful because it is very unusable to the body. The better vitamin B12 supplement which is more expensive and more difficult to find is methylcobalamin.

Folic acid, also known as folate, is essential for the body to use genetic information to produce the different kinds of cells of the body. This is why it is so important for those having a child. Folic acid is necessary for energy production and the formation of red and white blood cells. Folic acid is more effective with vitamin C and vitamin B12. Folic acid deficiency can be caused by a lack of fresh vegetables and fruit in the diet because over cooking and microwaving food destroys folic acid. Among the best sources of folic acid are asparagus, brewer’s yeast, brown rice, cheese, milk, lentils, split peas, mushrooms, oranges, root vegetables, salmon, tuna and green, leafy vegetables such as lettuce.

Foods rich in natural iron include dried apricots, blackstrap molasses, dried beans and peas, soy beans, and prune juice. Herbs rich in nutrients to help build up the blood include alfalfa, dong quai, burdock root, golden seal, pau d’arco, red raspberry leaf, kelp and slippery elm.

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Malabsorption may be a reason that a person may be getting sufficient iron in the diet and yet may be suffering from iron deficiency. There has to be enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach to digest iron. However if the stomach is producing enough hydrochloric acid do not use hydrochloric acid supplements or it could cause the stomach to not produce enough hydrochloric acid naturally. Intestines clogged up with too much white, processed wheat flour or too much bacteria can cause malabsorption. Excess meat consumption can cause too much bad bacteria growth. Proper PH balance is important. The body needs the proper balance of acidity and alkalinity. For alkaline a person may want to use organic, whole leaf wheat grass powder. To reduce the amount of bacteria in the intestines a person can drink kombucha, a tasty fermented drink, or try acidophilus. These are known as probiotics. The culture in yogurt, also, helps to kill bad bacteria. Getting fiber in the diet by eating whole grains will keep the intestines clean and working healthy. Brown rice has three times the amount of fiber as white rice and twice the amount of iron. Malabsorption, also, can cause vitamin B12 deficiency.

Among the nutrients that are needed for the body to be able to use iron are copper, manganese, molybdenum, vitamin A and vitamin B-complex. Copper, manganese and molybdenum can be found in natural brewer’s yeast as well as two important B vitamins and about 50% of the iron a person needs in a day. A person should not use iron supplements unless it is necessary. If a person uses iron supplements he should use an organic form such as ferrous gluconate or ferrous fumarate. Do not use ferrous sulfate. Do not take vitamin E supplements at the same time as iron supplements or foods that contain iron. Taking calcium supplements can inhibit the absorption of iron and should not be taken when consuming foods containing iron.

The body needs vitamins C and E present in the stomach to use iron. Vitamin E is found in avocados; cold pressed vegetable oils such as olive oil, soy bean oil and canola oil; dark green, leafy vegetables; legumes; nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts; seeds and whole grains. There are significant amounts in brown rice, wheat, corn meal, oatmeal, soy beans and sweet potatoes. Herbs that contain vitamin E include alfalfa, dandelion, dong quai, flax seed, oat straw and red raspberry leaf.

Although it is known that many natural foods are good sources of iron it may be difficult to know if someone is getting enough iron. Consider that shiitake mushrooms have a lot of iron in one serving. I have heard estimates between 30% to 60% of the amount a person needs in a day. Of course this depends on the size of the serving and the shiitake mushrooms used. Shiitake mushrooms have to be cooked to be digestible and are delicious in recipes but not tasty on their own. In Chinese restaurants they are known as black mushrooms. Black fungus is reported to have anywhere between 300% to 500% of the iron a person needs in a day in one serving. Black fungus does not have much taste to it but is used in stir fries and Oriental soups. Dried black fungus can be found in Oriental markets.

Red raspberry leaf is an herb that I have been enjoying as an organic herb tea for a long time. I have always known that it is good for the immune system. It is known to have a taste similar to that of fine black tea. This makes it a good substitute for tea that has caffeine. It is great for enjoying a refreshing tea that tastes like fine black tea but does not have caffeine. It has no harmful side effects so I drink lots of it with no worries and I know it is good for my health. As time has gone by I have become aware that red raspberry leaf tea is known to be especially good for women. For a long time I did not know the reason why but I came to understand that it is known as moon cycle tea. Red raspberry leaf, sometimes just known as raspberry leaf, contains fragarine which relaxes the pelvic and uterine muscles. It contains tannins which relieve nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Red raspberry leaf tea is good for pregnancy, childbirth and breast feeding. Red raspberry leaf helps to relieve menstrual cramps and pain. Red raspberry leaf reduces hemorrhaging and pain during childbirth. It is a good source of iron and vitamin E.  Red raspberry leaf is rich in calcium and contains vitamins A, C, D, F, G and vitamin B-complex. For men red raspberry leaf is good for the prostate.

Too much iron can be very harmful to a person’s health. This is because iron is stored in the body. Too much iron in the tissues and organs causes an increase in free radicals. Too much iron contributes to heart disease and cancer. Never take iron supplements with a cold, flu or other infection. This feeds the viruses and harmful germs to help them multiply.

To test for anemia a doctor can conduct a complete blood count or CBC test to test for red blood cell count and hemoglobin level. If a person has sufficient iron but is anemic a doctor can then test for inflammation.

Vitamin E from natural foods is much safer and reliable than vitamin E supplements. Some vitamin E supplements are not very useable to the body.


If you are interested in Red Raspberry Leaf Tea try: Starwest Botanicals







Thyroid Gland, Myxedema: Autoimmune Illness

The thyroid gland is located in the throat just below the larynx. The thyroid gland produces hormones that go to organs and other glands of the body stimulating them to produce their own chemicals that in turn send messages to other parts of the body for performance of functions dealing with all of the important systems of the body. The thyroid gland is part of the system of our bodies known as the endocrine system. The endocrine system includes glands throughout the body. Each of these glands sends hormones via the bloodstream to each other to maintain the functioning of the systems of the body.

The thyroid gland is thought of as the body’s thermostat or thermometer because of its role in regulating the metabolism. I have found in my research that metabolism is a confusing term because it has a blanket meaning of the processes necessary to sustain life but there are three different components to it. The most familiar to people is the process of the cells of the body using glucose for calories to use for energy. The second is the process of synthesizing essential nutrients into more complicated compounds for uses in the body. The third is the process of breaking down compounds into their more basic components for the body to be able to use them. Don’t feel bad if you found the term metabolism confusing when you were trying to find answers. I was frustrated myself when trying to find answers only created more questions.

Since the thyroid gland has a major role in regulating metabolism it affects body temperature and the rate of using calories and food. It affects weight gain and weight loss.

The nervous system and endocrine system are connected. The process starts when the brain sends messages to the hypothalamus. This is a small gland in the lower brain. The hypothalamus then in turn sends hormonal messages to the pituitary gland which is located just below the hypothalamus. The pituitary gland then sends hormones to specific glands of the body which in turn excrete hormones for various functions of the body. When the pituitary gland sends messages to the thyroid gland the thyroid will produce hormones.

The most common thyroid ailments are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid produces too much hormone. This causes metabolism to be overactive, speeding up all of the body’s processes. Symptoms include irritability, nervousness and feeling too hot. There can be weight loss, rapid heartbeat, insomnia and fatigue. There can be hair loss and goiter which is a condition that creates a swelling in the throat.

Hypothyroidism is more common than hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid produces too little hormone. This causes chronic fatigue, slow heart rate and a lowering of the body temperature. There can be intolerance to cold and weight gain. There can be elevated cholesterol levels, muscle weakness, muscle cramps and fertility problems. There can be migraine headaches, increased infections, concentration problems, slow speech and goiter.

Thyroid problems affect women more than men and cause problems with women’s menstrual cycles. Thyroid problems can be caused by poor nutrition, fluoride in water, pesticide residues on fruit and vegetables and x-ray radiation. Fluoride blocks iodine receptors in the thyroid gland. Silver-mercury amalgam dental fillings in the teeth contribute to thyroid problems as well as many other disorders.

It is believed that thyroid problems in many cases are caused by abnormal immune response. The immune system creates antibodies that attack the thyroid and disrupt hormone production. Myxedema is a condition in which the immune system attacks the thyroid gland.

thyroid_parathyroidPhoto from wpclipart.com

The health of the thyroid gland is dependent on the health of the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus gland. With a more holistic view the health of entire system of glands (that is the endocrine system) should be considered. Since the body can really only heal itself there is much that can be done with nutrition and medicinal herbs.

I am a firm believer that the start of the healing process should begin with eliminating all possible sources that could cause the illness. Since thyroid problems can be caused by chemical pesticides a person should turn to organic fruits and vegetables in the diet. Since supermarket and other retail chains have produce that is labeled organic but only meets the bare minimum standards required by the U.S. Department of Agriculture organic foods labeling law it is wise to shop at natural food co-operatives and farmers’ markets. It is good to buy organic foods produced locally and educate oneself about organic foods. Keep in mind that herbs and spices in supermarkets may be radiated with ultra-violet radiation or even atomic radiation. The ultra-violet radiation destroys nutritional value and the nuclear radiation is life threatening. Microwave ovens destroy nutritional value and their radiation is dangerous if one is in close proximity while the microwaves are turned on. Avoid fluoride and unnecessary x-rays. Have silver-mercury amalgam fillings removed from the teeth. Those who have had amalgam fillings removed improved dramatically from chronic fatigue, lack of resistance to infections, allergies and thyroid problems.

For hyperthyroidism the foods that are recommended are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, peaches, pears, soybeans, spinach and turnips. These will suppress thyroid production. Avoid dairy products for three months. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine. Deficiencies of vitamins C and E can promote overproduction of thyroid hormone.

For hypothyroidism the foods that are recommended are apricots, dates, molasses, parsley, potatoes, prunes, raw seeds and whole grains. Raw milk and cheeses are helpful. Avoid foods that suppress thyroid production such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, peaches, pears, radishes, spinach and turnips. These foods can be eaten in moderation unless the symptoms of hypothyroidism are severe. Herbs that can help with hypothyroidism are bayberry, black cohosh and goldenseal. Goldenseal should not be used internally on a daily basis for more than a week at a time. Do not use goldenseal if pregnant or if allergic to ragweed.

Iodine is a trace mineral that the thyroid gland needs because it is an important ingredient in the hormones it produces.  If people research iodine as a nutrient they may find that iodine is in some animal food sources and many plant food sources.  Unfortunately in America there is very little iodine in the soil so there is almost no iodine in these food sources.  People in other parts of the world may not have to worry so much about iodine deficiency.  There is iodine in ocean waters.  Most people I have known who had thyroid problems refused to eat fish because they did not like the fishy taste. Eating cold water ocean going fish is good for an underactive thyroid gland. The thyroid gland needs the iodine in fish to produce hormones. Kelp helps to slow an overactive thyroid gland. Vitamin B12 which is found in fish and seaweed is necessary for a healthy thyroid gland. The body needs vitamin A and B vitamins to use iodine properly. It is good to avoid meat other than fish to stay on a low fat diet. Brown rice is recommended and miso soup once a week. Essential fatty acids help the thyroid with metabolism and can be found in flax seed oil.

Since it is necessary to have a healthy pituitary gland and hypothalamus gland for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland using herbal formulas that cleanse and nourish all the glands is necessary. A simple herbal formula for herb tea is kelp, alfalfa and dandelion root. Chlorophyll helps with the assimilation of nutrients from kelp and alfalfa. Blue green algae such as spirulina can be added. It helps to clean and nourish the glands. Other herbs that are good for the glands are Siberian ginseng, licorice root, sarsaparilla and black cohosh.

Since myxedema is an illness in which the immune system attacks the thyroid gland the basic principles of autoimmune illnesses apply. The immune system wants to attack damaged cells. Using the principles of healing the glands of the body as well as the principles of healthy cell growth with the proper natural nutrition will start the healing process. All of the nutrients for cell growth in proper balance are important but I cannot stress enough the importance of certain nutrients essential for cell growth. These include vitamin B12, folic acid and CoQ10 enzyme. It is too easy for people to be deficient with one of these essential nutrients. A person can eat foods such as meat rich in vitamin B12 but still be deficient due to malabsorption. Eating cold water ocean going fish such as mackerel, tuna and salmon helps with a low fat diet, vitamin B12 and CoQ10 enzyme. Folic acid is destroyed from over cooking and microwaving.   It can be found in green leafy vegetables such as lettuce. Spinach contains folic acid and CoQ10. Other sources of CoQ10 include peanuts and sardines. Other nutrients essential for cell growth are the trace minerals, selenium and germanium. Both of these can be found in garlic.   Selenium is, also, in Siberian ginseng. Natural brewer’s yeast is a good source of many of these cell growth nutrients.

Since anti-oxidants help to repair damaged cells these nutrients are important for autoimmune illnesses. All of the anti-oxidant nutrients are too numerous to name and many sound rather complicated. However some of them are commonly known vitamins such as vitamins C, A, E and D. The more organic fruit, vegetables and whole grains in the diet, the better. Sweet potatoes and parsley are sources of vitamin D but don’t forget natural sunlight on the skin.


If you are interested in herbal supplements for thyroid gland health try: Thyroid Care Herbal Supplement

Evans Syndrome: Autoimmune Illnesses and Natural Healing

Evans Syndrome

Targeting Cells for Drug DeliveryPhoto from National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering

Evans Syndrome is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s own antibodies attack the red blood cells that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide.  Symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath and rashes and discoloration of skin due to bleeding from the capillary blood vessels beneath the surface of the skin.  This is due to shortage of platelets (disk like blood cells) that block bleeding and combine with proteins to cause clotting to stop bleeding.  Evans syndrome more commonly afflicts people under the age of eighteen and has an 18 per cent mortality rate.  No one knows the cause which may be different in every case and some people spontaneously heal from it and no one knows why this happens either.

Usually when we speak of natural healing we generally want to strengthen the immune system but when a body’s own immune system is attacking it this appears to be a dilemma.  In fact there is with Evans Syndrome a shortage of all three kinds of blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.  The shortage of white blood cells makes those afflicted susceptible to infections and illnesses.  The antibodies that damage the red blood cells and platelets are actually y shaped proteins whose purpose is to destroy foreign bodies that enter the body.

I have often thought that the only reason the body’s own immune system would attack any part of a person’s own body must be because there is something wrong with that part of the body.  In this case this would appear to be true that in the case of Evans Syndrome the red blood cells and platelets are damaged and thought by the body to be foreign elements in the body.  It seems to me that toxicity has to play a part.  As with everything with natural healing and certainly in this case the cure has to do with understanding the cause.  One must look at the environment one is in and the possible toxicity that must play a part.  Cure must start with eliminating the causal factors then giving the body the proper nutrition and other tools to heal itself.

Mercury poisoning in fact attaches itself to the cells in such a way as to change the markings on the surface of the cells so that the body does not recognize the cells as being a part of the body which will cause the antibodies to attack the cells.  Since mercury is a liquid mineral that builds and stores up in a person and takes a long time for the body to eliminate it may take years before a person can be diagnosed with mercury poisoning.  In the meantime people with mercury poisoning are often misdiagnosed as having illnesses such as muscular sclerosis, rheumatory arthritis and autoimmune diseases.  It has been proven that silver, dental fillings which are known as amalgam because of the combination of metals in them are one of the most significant sources of mercury poisoning known if not the most significant with those who have these fillings despite information to the contrary from the dental industry.  It has been proven that silver, dental fillings can permanently damage the brains, kidneys and immune systems of children.  Studies have shown that amalgam fillings are linked to gastrointestinal problems, sleep disturbances, concentration problems, memory disturbances, lack of initiative, restlessness, bleeding gums and other mouth disorders.

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One must not rule out any form of toxicity.  Drinking water with impurities in it can be very bad for a person’s health.  Bad water may contain mercury but water may, also, contain contaminants that the EPA does not regulate when analyzing water.  Some of these unregulated contaminants are known to cause cancer, reproductive toxicity, developmental toxicity and immune system damage.  It is good to drink purified water from water purifying machines.  I don’t recommend Perrier water as it is high in sodium.  Once I was in a pharmacy where a woman had a young daughter who had gotten an infection from drinking tap water that was causing her abdominal distress and diarrhea with blood in her stools.  The local water board later had been mailing us literature trying to convince us the quality of the tap water is good because they had an overabundance of water.  I was talking with an engineer recently who told me that the local tap water has radon in it, a dangerous form of radioactivity that in this area is naturally occurring in the geography.  Among some of the contaminants that can be found in tap water are steroids and contraceptives. Fortunately due to two water improvement acts the tap water here in California is much better. However as I learn more about water purity it keeps getting more complicated and requires more research.
There is, also, air pollution.  I remember in the seventies when as the result of the first air pollution laws being enforced the quality of the air in big cities greatly improved.  Since then sadly air quality in major cities has reached worse levels of pollution than ever.  Today more people suffer from asthma than ever due to air pollution.  One may have to consider seriously changing one’s environment in order to heal.  Getting above the smog line and taking trips out of town may help.  One may consider getting an air purifier for the home.

Other factors that can cause autoimmune diseases include overuse of aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil supplementation and antibiotics.  Even vaccinations can be a contributing factor.  Inadequate rest can contribute to the problem.  Frequent exposure to infectious agents: bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, Candida overgrowth in bowels may be causal factors as well as sugar and other concentrated carbohydrates. Food allergy and obesity can play into the causes.

Building up the blood with healthy red blood cells, platelets. white blood cells and healthy hemoglobin is absolutely important.  I have mentioned the need for vitamin B12, iodine and iron for healthy cell growth and especially in blood cell growth.  Folic acid is absolutely important to this cell growth as it is necessary in the differentiation of cells in cell growth.  Getting ocean going fish especially cold water fish such as salmon and tuna in the diet absolutely helps a person to get enough iodine and vitamin B12.  Seaweed is not only an excellent source of iodine and vitamin B12 but is rich in lots of vitamins and minerals including the more rare ones.  There are those who say that nutrition in seaweed is not accessible to the body but I recommend seaweeds that have traditionally been in people’s diets for thousands of years such as kelp, nori, dulse and sea palm.  I like to eat plain dried sea palm as a salty snack.

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As you became aware from reading our website a person may not be getting the proper nutrition from their food because they are not digesting their food properly such as in the case of malabsorption.  This can cause nutritional deficiencies that will cause organs of the body including glands to not work properly.  This can contribute to poor cell growth and the inability of the body to break down and eliminate toxins as well as generally interfere with the healthy functions of the body.  One must get raw fruit and vegetables in the diet to get the enzymes necessary to digest food properly.  To avoid malabsorption one must avoid foods made of processed white, wheat flour and have whole grains in the diet instead.  Other causes of malabsorption can be alcohol consumption and infections in the intestines.
It is important with Evans Syndrome I believe to promote a healthy lymphatic system.  The lymphatic system has a complex of vessels throughout the body with capillaries just like the blood system.  The purpose of the lymphatic system is to remove damaged and dead cells, toxins including those naturally produced as waste from the cells of the body and foreign debris from the body.  Lymph is the liquid that is between the cells of the body.  Organs of the body produce and clean the lymph to circulate through the body.  The lymph that picks up the debris and toxins of the body must be circulated out from between the cells of the body to be cleaned and returned back to the lymph system.  Certain organs are involved in the cleaning of the lymph such as the spleen.  The kidneys remove some of the impurities into the urine.  Some of the toxins are sent to the colon to be eliminated through the intestines through defecation.  More good reasons to have a lot of fiber in the diet.

The lymphatic system unlike the blood system does not have a pump to circulate the lymph.  The movements of the body cause the lymph to circulate.  It has been shown that deep breathing helps the lymph to circulate.  Sounds like yoga has something to it doesn’t it?  Yoga combines deep breathing with certain positions of the body and, also, deep breathing with certain movements of the body for health benefits.  Sounds like some simple stretching exercises will help.  Once I met a man who as with a lot of things people do turned to excess with one thing.  He tried to go right to extreme yoga and permanently damaged his back.  Best to start out gently.  Here is an easy yoga technique to help elimination that I found on a box of organic Yogi Tea blend.  Kneel on the floor and sit on your heels.  Bring your forehead to the ground in front of your knees.  Place your clenched hands by your ears and raise your buttocks as high as possible.  Breathe long and deep through the nose for one to three minutes and relax.  Here is another easy yoga technique for purification I found on a box of Yogi Detox tea.  Kneel on the floor and sit on your heels and bring your forehead to the ground in front of your knees as in the exercise before but stretch the arms straight forward in front of you on the floor with the palms of your hands together as when praying.  Breathe long and deep through the nose for one to three minutes.  Then slowly sit up straight, take a few deep breaths and relax.  I like to align my spine just by lying on the carpet on the floor flat on my back after exercising.  I have worked jobs that tend make me stooped over.  Since so much of the body’s energy flows through the back getting it straight is important.  After lying flat on my back for awhile when I stand up I stretch, arch my back and take deep breaths.  Once I was looking upward and took a deep breath and let the breath out slowly while slowly moving my head from looking up to moving it downwards and I couldn’t believe the feeling.  Therapeutic massage can be a help.

Photo from Centers For Disease Control and Prevention
After considering eliminating all the sources of toxins that have contributed to the condition and considering proper digestion and healing nutrition one should consider detoxifying.  I would not recommend fasting to someone who needs the nutrition for cell growth but I would recommend organic, detox, herb tea.  I like to use Yogi detox tea which is more affordable but natural food stores, also, carry detox, herb teas that are quite expensive. Some so much so that one has to ask a clerk for it as they tend to get stolen.  I like to use Yogi fasting tea between meals and when eating lightly as it soothes and heals the digestive system and intestines.  Dr. Gary Null, the famous, natural healing doctor who has a natural healing program on KPFK radio says a combination of organic watermelon juice and lemon juice helps to clean out the system.  Aloe vera juice is good for this and aloe vera juice, also, kills germs.  Sweating is one of the best ways to detoxify.  One should drink lots of good water when sweating.
Here are two blends of herbs that can relieve symptoms and heal.  The first is: red clover blossoms, sheep sorrel, prickly ash bark, sarsaparilla root, buckthorn bark, burdock root, licorice root, peach bark, barberry root, echinacea, cascara sagrada, rosemary.  This combination is a blood purifier.  It eliminates toxins from the blood and cells.  The prickly ash increases circulation and dissolves mineral deposits in the joints.  This formula neutralizes acids and toxins and is good for immune system disorders.  Here is the second: gentian root, catnip, bayberry, golden seal root, myrrh gum, Irish moss, fenugreek, chickweed, comfrey root, yellow dock, prickly ash, St. Johnswort, blue vervain, mandrake, evening primrose, cyani flowers.  This combination is a general cleanser.  It cleans morbid matter from the stomach and digestive tract.   This  formula cleans the spleen and liver.  This  blend of herbs is good for malabsorption and immune disorders.
When one begins to heal from Evans syndrome there may be long periods when the body produces an abundance of red and white blood cells and platelets.  Then the body may go back to low counts of these cells again.  I attribute this to the fact that cleansing the body of toxins will cause the body to heal but toxins stored in the body may start to be released into the blood stream again as part of the detoxifying process.  For instance toxins store in the fat cells of the body.  After the blood is cleansed of toxins for awhile toxins from the fat cells will be released into the blood stream.  One must continue detoxifying to be restored to good health.

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There is a lot of talk about antioxidants being good for a person’s health and antioxidants are critical in preventing and healing damage from free radicals. Unfortunately corporations have capitalized on people’s interest in antioxidants knowing they can reap rewards of profits from people’s fears about health issues. For instance it’s nice to know that there is a particular type of antioxidant in green tea but people should not seize upon one thing as a fad for the solution to good health. It’s very disconcerting to me to see companies that have been selling Chinese tea and tea from India with well known labels we all recognize putting messages on their boxes about how their products have antioxidants. These popular teas contain caffeine, pesticide residues and chemical fertilizer residues and have probably been zapped with ultra violet radiation for long shelf life and are hardly healthy for a person. The truth is fruit and vegetables and natural herbs all contain antioxidants. Vitamins A, C and E are all antioxidants. There are a lot of different agents in natural foods that are antioxidants. Oxidants occur when oxygen molecules have an electron missing from an electron pair. They acquire a foreign type of electron from a different kind of molecule which turns any compound with these damaged oxygen molecules into free radicals. Free radicals damage the cells of the body and do harm to the vital organs of the body. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, protect the cells of the body from damage and help the organs of the body to be repaired. The body naturally produces free radicals and antioxidants. The antioxidants the body produces are not enough to neutralize all the free radicals. This is why natural foods should have all the antioxidants that a person needs to stay healthy. People get excess free radicals from environmental stress. When a person gets free radical overload the body produces more acid. This excess of acid in the body causes problems associated with aging. When the body is out of balance with too much acid the body produces even more free radicals creating a vicious circle effect. The more damage to the organs of the body, the less the body is able to stay healthy.

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In this article I have been implying a very important principle. To cure complicated, chronic illnesses such as Evans syndrome one has to think holistically and consider the overall health of the individual. All to often with people in this society and with modern medicine there is a tendency to focus on the specific illness and a cure. I may not know what other conditions for instance may be a part of the problem. A good example is a woman I used to work with. She has lupus, an autoimmune illness in which the immune system attacks the joints of the body. She is extremely obese and chronically getting colds and flus. I kept telling her that antibiotics don’t work on viruses, only on regular germs, but she always uses the antibiotics anyway. I have told her that she needs to build up her immune system and that antibiotics are bad for her immune system but she won’t listen. She actually has come to work with walking pneumonia with her nose red and chaffed from blowing her nose so much because she has missed so many days of work. At work I mentioned that people need iodine in their diet for their thyroid gland to work properly. She overhears me saying this and says to just take fish oil capsules. I have responded twice to her that fish oil capsules only have Omega essential fatty acids, they do not have iodine but she doesn’t listen. She talks about being on a diet and then says she is being bad today and eats a hamburger and french fries and a soda from a fast food chain. Her eating habits are atrocious. She used to eat a lot of candy at work and still eats a lot of sweets.

Basically there is no point in me addressing her lupus condition when she doesn’t do anything I tell her. She commutes a long distance to work and I have no idea how she does all the things she does. Her doctor ordered her to only work three days a week for awhile. After a few months of getting proper rest this way she started feeling better. She said she actually has energy in the morning. Surprise. She says she has had attacks of lupus before and it can return to her. The fact is it is her overall health which will only continue to deteriorate that is the issue. Holistically speaking this type of person refuses to accept the fact that her entire way of living is wrong and that she needs to change her entire lifestyle. This is a part of the personal revolution I have been speaking of on this website that is necessary for good health. To this woman it makes sense to commute long distances so she can afford to buy a home since the town she works in is expensive to live in. Amazingly she has a real estate license and tries to make money on the side by driving up the cost of buying a home. This woman needs to change her life entirely. She needs to come up with a better plan. Does she have a moral and spiritual bankruptcy in her life? Yes. She goes to church but what people say they believe in is not as important obviously as what they do and how they live their lives. At the core of her unhealthy lifestyle and behavior are psychological factors rooted in her childhood and there are societal and even historical factors that have determined the pattern of her life. Illness sometimes is telling us a lot more than we realize.

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For me discovering a new world of delicious foods and recipes and entirely new ways of thinking and living has helped me to have a life of limitless possibilities and discovery.  Figuratively speaking it almost seems sinful the sensuous pleasures that please all of the senses that I have discovered from developing a healthy, natural lifestyle.

Back to speaking holistically about Evans syndrome one must not rule out other factors in a person’s personal life and environment.  This includes getting sun and fresh air.  Getting outdoors to a beautiful, natural place and developing a connection with nature has healing power.  When I go out for a run at the natural, unspoiled beach I live next to and take a leisurely walk back which is a meditation for me I say that I am altering my state of consciousness in a positive way.  As it turns out the hemoglobin of the blood is much like chlorophyll in plants in some ways.  Sunlight actually passes through the skin into the blood vessels and helps the hemoglobin of the blood to be healthier and carry oxygen better.  When people do not get enough exposure to sunlight they often get depressed.  This is true of people who work at night and people who live in places where there is little sun.  These days fortunately people like that have turned to buying lighting in their homes that simulates natural sunlight.  This has been proven to be a big help.  One may consider fresh flowers in the home that have scents that have healing power.  Aromatherapy may be a help.  Mainly creating a home environment that is healing is important.  One has to consider everything.  This could include people in a person’s personal life.  For instance having someone around with a negative attitude towards natural healing could be a problem.  Having another family member or friend talk to this person and explain that their attitude is not contributing to an atmosphere of healing might be useful.  One should consider career, employment, where someone is living and general dissatisfaction with one’s life.  If there are things that can’t be changed perhaps alternative ways of thinking about and dealing with these things is in order.

Holistically doctors have discovered another dimension to healing that is important that has to do with the power of the mind.  Although mind power alone can’t do it the concept seriously bears mentioning.  The best way to explain it is with the example of a healing technique called guided imagery.  Guided imagery doctors help patients to heal using the power of the patient’s mind.  A well known example of this technique in practice is the story of a forty year old woman who had surgery and radiation for cancer.  She still kept complaining about having pains in her upper back.  Doctors could find nothing wrong with her and recommended her to a guided imagery doctor.  The doctor told her to imagine herself in a beautiful place in nature.  The woman imagined herself on a beach with surrounding cliffs.  The doctor told her to imagine an inner advisor.  She visualized an old man on the beach sitting in front of an open fire.  He looked like Merlin, the magician.  She asked the old man for advice about her illness.  The old man said,”Ask for help.”  She broke down crying.  Throughout her ordeal she had been afraid to ask for help from anyone because she didn’t want to be a burden.  The old man told her that her family and friends felt frustrated that she had left them out of her healing process.  The woman made up her mind to ask her husband for help.  Instantly the pain in her back started going away.  The idea behind guided imagery is that if a person can worry himself sick he can imagine himself well.  The fact is the power of the mind to have a negative affect on a person’s physiology has always been well known.  Guided imagery is a useful tool in the healing process.  I believe that some type of meditation is always important in staying healthy.  One must always take the time to take stock of one’s life and ask what am I doing and what do I want really and is there something I need to change.   Illness sometimes is telling us that we are too driven by routines and have lost sight of our real goals.

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With natural healing it is well known that there are healing herbs a person can use everyday that are healing and good for keeping healthy the vital organs of the body.  Healing these vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc. is an ongoing process of everyday life or should be. These healing herbs can be found in organic herb tea that one can buy in bulk or for convenience in blends in tea bags.  Some of the more well know herbs for healing vital organs such as the liver and kidneys are milk thistle, dandelion root, burdock root, juniper berry, garlic, ginger, sage, parsley, nettle leaf and ginseng.

For cell growth, particularly blood cell production, the element, selenium, is important.  Good sources of selenium include barley, oats, mushrooms, cod, shrimp, salmon, snapper, tuna, eggs, turkey and lamb.  How much selenium is in plants and animal sources is dependent on how much selenium is in the soil.  I recommend sprinkling some natural brewers yeast on a person’s meal before eating for selenium, iodine, iron, protein, amino acids and lots of vitamins and minerals including the more rare ones such as vitamin B12.  One serving of brewers yeast has about 120% of the selenium a person needs in a day.  One has to remember that there is less than one milligram of selenium in the human body.  This is why I warn against getting nutrition from supplements as too much can be harmful.

Flax seed oil is recommended for healthy cell growth because it helps cells to have healthier, stronger membranes.  Flax seed oil, also, is anti-carcinogenic, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.  Flax seed oil is rich in Omega essential fatty acids to help the body break down fat and cholesterol.  Flax seed oil has untold health benefits.  It is, also, beneficial to use whole flax grain such as in organic flax seed bread.

Iron is probably one of the most important substances for healthy cell growth especially blood cells.  I recommend shiitake mushrooms.  One serving of shiitake mushrooms contains 40 to 50 per cent of the iron one needs in a day.  Black fungus which has a mild, mushroom like taste but is not in the form of a mushroom is, also, recommended.  Dried, black fungus can be found in Oriental markets.  One soaks the dried, black fungus in water that has been brought to a boil then cuts it into pieces.  It does not have much flavor but is good as an ingredient in stir fries and soups and is often found in these dishes in Oriental restaurants.  One serving of black fungus has 400 to 500 per cent of the iron one needs in a day so there is no reason why a vegetarian should be anemic due to a lack of iron.

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In the case of Evans Syndrome one must still be tested by doctors for blood cell counts and stay on the safe side.  Nothing I have described to you about natural healing techniques that will help you can hurt you.  It is important holistically to consider one’s overall health and other health conditions such as high blood pressure.  It is good to do everything I have described here  to improve the overall health condition to help the body’s own ability to heal itself before turning to extreme, modern medicine treatments.  Modern medicine treatments may be counterproductive to natural healing techniques but the natural healing I have described here cannot hinder the modern medicine techniques but if you are under a doctor’s care you should ask.  I’m sure your doctor will agree.

Dr. Gary Null the famous, naturopathic doctor, says that if you give the body half a chance to heal itself it will.  Not even a whole chance but half a chance.  He publishes books and has a video out called,”Supercharging the Immune System”.  Dr. Gary Null often recommends to his patients to eat nothing but raw fruit and vegetables for a month or more.  I wouldn’t recommend this for everyone but it is interesting how he says this will cure hay fever, allergies and asthma.  For more information about Dr. Gary Null one can contact KPFK radio.

Understanding Protein and Amino Acids: Natural Nutrition and Health

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On my path of learning and living natural nutrition and natural healing I came to the realization that, as with myself, one of the main concerns people have about a vegetarian diet is getting enough protein. I came to understand after a time that although so many have a sense that protein is essential to their diet many do not seem to really know what protein is or what it does. Speaking for myself I always understood that protein is necessary for muscle growth which is why athletes who are trying to build muscle put an emphasis on getting a lot of protein in their diet. I ascertained from this that protein must be necessary as well for organ tissue, nerve and brain cells. I always remembered from school that protein is made up of amino acids which are the building blocks of protein. I assumed that whatever protein people ingest has to be broken down into its essential components and reconstructed as human protein. Unfortunately when I would mention this in a discussion with people I would just get blank looks. What I would keep hearing from people is that they felt that protein was necessary to “have energy”. I of course realized that the body mainly gets energy from carbohydrates including breaking down fats for calories to use for energy. I, also, knew that the body has to convert starch, sugars and fat to glucose which is the only kind of sugar the cells of the body can use for energy from calories. As well I knew that the body has to produce insulin to deliver the glucose in order for it to be usable to the cells. I did know that the body can use protein for energy from calories but this is not the main function of protein in our diet.

When I started on a path of reducing meat in my diet and learning to cook organic, vegetarian meals from scratch I chose a book called, Diet For A Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappé, which had vegetarian recipes, each of which had complementary proteins listed. I felt that I could trust these recipes to have well balanced meals with the protein I needed in my diet. I certainly was not disappointed and have reaped the rewards of good health.

After a time however my continual frustration with the fact that most people did not seem to understand what protein is or what it does even though they emphasized so much importance on having lots of it in their diet brought me to the conclusion that I had to do the research to back up what I essentially knew. When I even tried to tell people that too much protein is bad for them I would either get blank looks or a canned response of “Well, too much of anything is bad for you”. I realized that I, myself, owed it to myself to really understand protein and amino acids more thoroughly. I especially needed to be able to explain protein and complementary proteins from plant sources to people to take away their fear of vegetarianism. I could plainly see that this lack of knowledge about health and nutrition was responsible for people simply taking the easy way out and continuing to consume lots of meat. I was tired of seeing people literally making themselves sick and killing themselves by degrees because of a lack of knowledge about something so fundamental to understanding good health.

When I started my research on protein I was immediately confronted by some amazing facts! The first was that after water people are mainly made of protein, more than calcium or anything else. The second fact was something I had been taught in school but had forgotten about which was that our very genetics, our genes and chromosomes, are made of protein.   Well, this obviously explains why after water we are mainly made of protein. Even our bones and teeth have protein in them. All cells of our bodies have to have some protein because of the genetic information they contain. Obviously muscle tissue has more protein than other tissue.

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Of course protein whether from animal or plant sources has to be broken down by the body into its essential components to be useable to the body and reconstructed into human proteins (plural). What are the essential components of protein? They are amino acids but more importantly the human body needs the “essential” amino acids. The term, essential amino acids, is a little difficult to understand because in fact the human body, mainly the liver, produces eighty per cent of the amino acids that we need. However the essential amino acids are the amino acids that our own bodies do not produce so we have to get these nutrients from food. These essential amino acids then are the building blocks from which our own bodies are able to produce all of the other amino acids to produce all of the different types of proteins our bodies need. The liver takes the essential amino acids and puts them together in different combinations of varying amounts and even aligns the molecular structure of the amino acids to produce all of the proteins our body needs. In fact enzymes and hormones are specialized types of proteins. Cholesterol is a specialized type of protein.

What are the essential amino acids? As with most things when doing research we may get different answers especially since science is perpetually trying to keep up with learning about nature. Many sources say that there are eight essential amino acids but a good recourse I use, Prescription For Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, doesn’t say how many essential amino acids there are but names them. I have counted them over and over again and I count nine and they are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylananine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.

So what about complementary proteins? People apparently assume that if they eat meat they get what they call, “a complete protein”, therefore they assume that if they eat meat they don’t have to worry about getting the protein that they need in their diets. This actually is incorrect. In fact an egg is the closest thing to a completely useable protein by the body. However one egg has all the cholesterol we need in a day so it is not a good choice to eat eggs all the time. Even with meat a person needs protein from plant sources. All of the essential amino acids have to present in the body within a four hour period in their proper amounts for the body to be able to produce the amino acids and proteins that we need. Excess protein causes the liver to try to turn it into glucose for energy but there are only four calories in one gram of protein and the process of converting it to glucose creates ammonia which is harmful to the body. The liver turns the ammonia into urea which is less toxic and then eliminates the urea through the bloodstream and kidneys. Excess protein, too often, will wear out the liver and kidneys. Not having all the essential amino acids in balance can cause a negative nitrogen imbalance which is unhealthy. The body will urinate out nitrogen.

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Clearly getting less meat in the diet and getting more protein from plant sources will keep people from getting too much protein and protect people from some of the other harms of excess meat consumption. This gets back to the question of how do we know we are getting the right balance of complementary proteins. In the book, Diet For A Small Planet, Frances Moore Lappé has charts of complementary proteins for easy understanding. After studying these diagrams I have noticed that a good rule of thumb is to eat foods from different food groups in each meal. These food groups for complementary proteins may be a little different than what people are used to however because seeds and nuts are in a different group than grains. Fruits are not really mentioned because they are so low in protein. This is a little confusing because people think of seeds as being grains however sunflower seeds and sesame seeds are in the group with seeds and nuts for complementary protein purposes. In general then we would be looking at whole grains with beans or legumes such as peas and lentils would be complementary proteins. Corn and beans, wheat and beans and, good news, wheat and dairy made with whole or skim milk are complementary proteins. Even a single serving of pasta has seven grams of protein so you do not have to give up your bagel with cream cheese or pasta with parmesan cheese! If you have sesame seeds on your bagel you even get an extra complementary protein. Peanuts are very deficient in some essential amino acids but with grains and especially with sunflower seeds added it is well balanced with essential proteins.

It is important to note that even if a person gets the proper amounts of the essential amino acids in the diet the body may not be able to use this available protein without the proper balance of vitamins and minerals. As a general rule as Frances Moore Lappé so aptly puts it even in a completely plant based diet the more different kinds of food one eats the less one has to worry about getting the proper balance of essential amino acids and healthy protein.

But what about the people who say that we get energy from protein? As it turns out some of the essential amino acids do help to supply energy to muscles. Isoleucine helps to regulate blood sugar and energy levels. The best way to think of protein however is that it is necessary for cell growth. This definitely includes making babies. Women who are expecting a child or nursing need more protein. People’s protein needs change at times. Small children have very different nutritional needs including a lot of fat before the age of two for the brain to develop properly for one thing and since children are growing they need a higher percentage of protein per the total caloric intake in their day.





Vegetarian Shiitake Mushroom Gravy For The Holidays!

mushrooms-1382049532zTHPhoto by Angelika Pyka

Vegetarian Shiitake Mushroom Gravy just in time for the holidays!


6-10 Shiitake mushrooms (depending on size)

1 medium size onion

olive oil

organic soy sauce

 4-5 Tbls organic wheat flour (white or whole grain)

3-4 Tbls flax meal

black pepper

brewers yeast



If using dried shiitake mushrooms soak in water that has been brought to a boil for twenty minutes.  Cut off stems and chop mushrooms.  Save water for soaking for broth.  Slice and chop onion.  Sauté mushrooms and onions in 6-8 Tablespoons of olive oil stirring occasionally until onions are translucent and tender.  Add more olive oil as needed.  It helps to make sure onions are tender if all olive oil is not absorbed during sautéing so add more oil as necessary.  Add mushroom soaking water that was set aside.  Stir.  Let simmer one minute. Add water, 5-6 Tablespoons. Let simmer and stir.  Add organic soy sauce and freshly-ground black pepper to taste.  Add more water if necessary.  Add wheat flour and flax meal.  Simmer.  Stir frequently. Add more water if needed.    Add more soy sauce to taste for desired degree of saltiness.  Sprinkle in brewers yeast.  Stir and let simmer one minute.  Remove from heat.  Serve over potatoes or grains. 

Recipe: Ultimate Seaweed Salad!

stock-photo-salad-mix-with-avocado-and-cucumber-with-balsamic-dressing-115737661Photo from shutterstock.com


package of fresh, assorted seaweed
1/4 cup organic olive oil
1/8 cup organic brown rice vinegar
4-8 Tbls organic soy sauce (depending on desired saltiness)
2Tbls organic, raw agave nectar
5-7 cloves of grated garlic
1Tbls ground mustard seed
1Tbls paprika
chopped red onion

Put package of fresh, seaweed in a vegetable wash basket or colander within a large bowl and fill with water.  Agitate seaweed with hands, pour out water.  Repeat this process until all of the sea salt is rinsed out of the seaweed.  In a mixing bowl combine grated garlic, olive oil, vinegar, agave nectar and soy sauce.  Add ground mustard seed and paprika.  Add fresh seaweed to bowl of dressing, stir and let marinate.  Break up pieces of your favorite kale (such as Russian kale) and break up pieces of radicchio.  Place kale and radicchio in a bed on each plate for serving.  Top with some marinated seaweed and dressing.  Top again with chopped red onion, avocado slices and chopped tomatoes.  And that’s it!  The ultimate seaweed salad.
Add more soy sauce and vinegar to taste.
6 to 8 servings depending on how huge of a salad you want!

Hint:  Add a few tablespoons of organic, flax seed oil to dressing or a tablespoon over each serving for extra nutrition and healing power.
Hint:  Radicchio is a type of lettuce that is loaded with minerals and vitamins.